
KRONOS XP Team Building - Build a stronger team through teamwork activities and challenges


Discover our team building activities  designed to bring your teams closer together!



A member of your organization has been kidnapped by an unorthodox and dangerous criminal called “The Goaler”. He threaten to torture your co-worker if the rest of the employees do not carry out his demands to the letter. You and your team will have to show bravery, cooperation and not be afraid of ridicule! Will you manage to find the “missing player” in one piece?v



Prepare yourself for an epic outdoor experience where all of your employees will have to work together to ward off this terrible curse that threatens to plunge your company into an uncertain future.

Fortunately for you, there is a silver lining.  According to a famous fortune-teller, by gathering all of your employees in a place determined by the alignment of the stars and at the right time, you could “possibly” ward off the terrible fate that awaits you. 






Be part of a scientific study in which you and your colleagues are the test subjects. By reprogramming the genetic code of the candidates and exposing them to solar radiation, we believe that it is possible to improve their physical and cognitive abilities and turn them into “superhumans”. Are you ready to put the fate of your employees in the hands of science?



Christmas is in peril and the highest authorities of Santa’s Kingdom are asking for your help! During this unusual recruiting camp, you and your collegues will be subjected to a stiff competition to find out which ones will be agile, smart and resourceful enough to save Christmas. Experience a remote Christmas office party that will leave you with magic moments, unforgettable memories and loads of fun!

So, what is a team building activity?

Team building activities are
the best way to build
stronger relationships within
your organisation

A team building activity is a unifying event that aims to strengthen the links between the members of an organization such as a sports team, school class, or workplace/business. A team building activity is thus focused on fun, team collaboration, healthy competition and must be inclusive and accessible to all. 

At KRONOS Experience, we believe that a team building experience goes far beyond the main event. It reaches before and after it. That’s why we pay particular attention to and focus on the soundscapes and the quality of our unique videos “teasers”, which aim to create an immersive experience and achieve an unequalled level of commitment for participants in their team-building activities. We also create evolutive web pages for all our clients that guide them throughout the process and finally, all our experiences are summed up in a unique and personnalized video which shows the most memorable moments of fun and emotion that the teams have experienced throughout the event.

Are you looking for a team-building activity that goes off the beaten track and that will stimulate your imagination, fill you with wonder and get you and your team immersed in a grandiose adventure? Let’s take a moment to discuss it!


Why offer a team-building activity for teams


In recent times we have seen the world opening and closing multiple times, countries going in and out of lockdowns. It has been very difficult for businesses, employers especially, and also human resources departments to control and maintain high-performing team and employee satisfaction from the members of their organizations, and even harder to try and maintain a good level of morale and positivity between coworkers. These new ways of the world of work have shown and increased the risk of turning workers who are suffering from these conditions into “spectator” employees.

Not only businesses but sports teams have also struggled with these same conditions, putting a stop to their training programs and groups activities This has a massive negative impact on their socialising, communication and their bond and when these factors are negatively impacted, so are their performances, adding more pressure and distress to teams and groups across the world.

There are many good reasons for organizing
a team-building event for your work team

There are many advantages to team-building with colleagues such as the following:

This fun events creates a stronger feeling of belonging within your company

Help dissolve the social isolation and negative mental health issues that can be experienced by people in your organization who have been negatively impacted by isolation and the new ways of working

Improve engagement within your organization

Create a strong and memorable event for your organization to treasure
Allow your workers to connect and rediscover themselves in a non-professional context outside of work
Strengthen the links within your team and create brand new links amongst colleagues

Give you team something to look forward to by planning different team building activities throughout the year

Encourage different element like team collaboration, critical thinking, listening skills and team effectiveness

Whatever your reasons, you can be sure that we will be there with you every step of the way during the planning of your activities and during your events to make sure these experiences will be memorable for all participants and true successes for your business.

Host team-building events in no matter your current situation

With the world starting to open back up, some places are opening faster than others but we have team building activities to suit everyone!

We know nowadays that people’s situations are all different depending on where they live and the local regulations in place. Due to the pandemic, we see a great variability of social situations among the countries. While some countries are opening up, letting groups of different sizes gather once again, in other parts of the world, home confinement is still the only option.

No matter where you are and what your situation is, we can provide a team building solution that will fit the needs and reality of your team, wherever they may be on the globe. If some of you have the liberty to get together physically, following the social distancing rules, wonderful! With our hybrid team building concepts, we will get your group connected, energized and highly engaged. You will be living an immersive team experience that will create lasting corporate memories!

What is virtual team building?

Team building is an activity that uses activities to bring together people who work in order to build links between the entire team members around fun activity, collaborative and unifying activities. Whether you choose a team building game that is an outdoor activity, trivia questions or you start with a little bit of both with our icebreaker questions, you will not be disappointed.  There is multiple benefits of team building, like bringing communication skills, creative thinking, employee motivation or employee engagement and more.  For KRONOS Experience, our team building events are built to get your teams to cooperate while being physically ACTIVE… and sometimes outdoors! Live the adventure and offer your team a group experience that they will never forget and that will build long lasting corporate memories!