The missing player

The organizer and the missing player must schedule a coordination meeting with our team

To be completed BEFORE the coordination meeting.

To be completed as soon as possible. The coordination of the event is impossible without this information!

They allow us to personalize your activity.

Thank you for respecting the established schedule.


At the latest 15 days before the event, the organizer must provide the list of teams (3 to 6 players per team). You just have to complete the Google Sheet provided by the coordination.

If any changes need to be made, no problem, just go back to the file and make the corrections.



About 2 weeks before the team building: Send an email to employees sharing the URL of the web page #1. You can mention to them:

“I invite you to read the interview that XXXXX gave to KRONOS Media.

Could it be related to the team building activity we will be experiencing in 2 weeks?!? 😁


At this point, they won’t know who will be kidnapped yet.




KRONOS Media announces that XXXXXX has been kidnapped.


Inspector Samson explains the rescue operation.


The day before the event, we will send you by email the URL of the web page #2 containing these 2 videos and other logistical info. To be presented to the players the day before the event or the same day depending on the established work schedule.

ATTENTION: The missing player must disappear BEFORE the broadcast of these 2 videos.

if and only if...

Lorsque l’Étape 4 se fait le jour mĂȘme de l’opĂ©ration de sauvetage, il faut prĂ©venir les joueurs (quelques jours avant) qu’ils doivent se prĂ©parer Ă  une potentielle opĂ©ration de sauvetage. DĂ©voilement des Ă©quipes et liste de matĂ©riel Ă  prĂ©voir. 

Vous n’aurez qu’à transfĂ©rer Ă  votre Ă©quipe le courriel que nous vous aurons envoyĂ© Ă  cet effet.


To be planned BEFORE the activity:

  • Provide pencil and paper for teams;
  • Have printed the INSTRUCTIONS document (one copy per team);
  • Have the team list on hand just in case.


The day of the activity:
Once the players have read the webpage#2 (2 videos and instructions):

  • Allow them time to prepare:
    • dress appropriately for the weather;
    • Wear sports equipment;
    • Have paper and pencil to take notes;
    • Have a water bottle
  • Gather the teams in the lobby and give them the “INSTRUCTIONS” document.


Duration of the game: +/- 1h30

Distance to be covered: approximately 3 km

Cell phone: only one cell phone per team will be used


The missing player must “disappear” BEFORE the web page #2 is revealed.

We suggest that the kidnapped person perform the activity with the accomplices of his kidnapping. If the kidnapped person disguises himself as the other players, he should go unnoticed.

Yes, of course! We suggest that you do the activity with your missing player.

You will be able to reach us via the KRONOS Experience Messenger (Facebook). We promise to respond within seconds of receiving your request. We will be there for you!

We will be with you virtually. We’ll make sure all teams are connected to the app, answer questions from players, and prepare your highlight video while you’re playing the game.

All login details will be on the sheet entitled “INSTRUCTIONS”. It will be sent to you by email a few days before the team building. The username and password will be written on it.

Best of video

You have become real heroes! You are on the front page of all the newspapers. KRONOS Media has prepared a special report on your rescue operation. Length of the video: between 12 and 20 minutes.


The video will be sent to you by WE TRANSFER.